
This is what I use on a daily basis. Check out for similar pages.

MacBook M2

For work I use a MacBook M2, with:

Thinkpad T480s

For personal/academic use I have an old Thinkpad T480s, running a minimal Debian Stable installation with:

Dotfiles are available here, though the may be slightly out of date.

Local workstation

I did some neuroscience research during my PhD that required a bit more computing power than my trusty old laptop could provide, so I got a larger workstation. It’s old now, but has a 12C/24T Ryzen 3900X CPU, 64GB 3600MHz memory, a 1GB NVMe drive as primary storage and two 2GB backup hard drives. It also runs Debian Stable, although I tend to stick with the default installation options for this one.

Local backup server

I have a small server that does daily backups to external hard drives via cron jobs. In addition, specific files and directories on my laptop, local workstation, and mobile phone are kept in sync using Syncthing, with this server acting as a kind of central node. It used to run Pi-hole as well, but I haven’t set it up since I moved the last time. I’ll get around to that.

Cloud servers

I rent two cloud servers from Hetzner. Both run Debian Stable. One of them is hosting this site using nginx.