Hello, World!


July 24, 2024

It has been clear to me and many others for quite some time that the web is not what it used to be. One way to reclaim some of its former glory is to start a blog.1

It has also been clear to me that I do a lot of things on or related to computers that I tend to forget about afterwards. It’s mostly just for fun and personal development, but still. Sometimes I might jot down a few notes in a text file, but then I forget that as well. Going forward, I’ll try to formulate my notes as blog entries instead. That way, I know where they are, with the added bonus that someone might find them useful or at least a bit interesting.

Sometimes, when I can be bothered to bring my camera, I snap a few photos here and there. They mostly stay on some memory card lost in a drawer, but now and then I some editing with darktable. I’ll try to upload some of them here too, using a slightly hacked version of 1600pr.sh.

Since my day-to-day language of choice is R, I created this blog using Quarto.2 The blog is hosted on a small cloud server from Hetzner running nginx.


  1. Yes, these sites are satire. But the message comes through quite clearly. Here is an article in a more work-friendly tone.↩︎

  2. I’m thereby foregoing the admirable minimalism of a motherfuckingwebsite, the bettermotherfuckingwebsite, and even the perfectmotherfuckingwebsite.↩︎